Tube Based Suppression System

Nowadays Short Circuit in Electrical Panel is the biggest reason for big, fatal fires in most of the premises. Such kind of short circuits occurs mostly inside the electrical panels as this is where high voltage lines terminate. In frictions of seconds, the smallest spark turns into a flame, and then it turns into a flaring blaze in a few minutes. People’s Lives are lost and properties are devastated.

DirectIndirect Low Pressure Systems

Direct Release – Low Pressure Systems

The Direct Low Pressure (DLP) System utilizes the Fire Finder Detection Tubing as both the fire detection device and the fire suppressant delivery system. The portion of the tube nearest the hottest point of the fire ruptures forming an effective discharge “nozzle”. The pressure drop in the tube releases the entire contents of the cylinder through this nozzle.

Indirect Release – Low Pressure Systems

With the Indirect Low Pressure (ILP) System, the Fire Finder Detection Tubing is used only as a detection device. The fire suppression agent is delivered via copper tubing, stainless steel tubing or braided hose. Once the tube “bursts”, the suppressant is discharged through strategically placed nozzles within the protected enclosure.

We have designed a Tube Based Fire Suppression System to fight with fire that occur in the “micro environment” of electric panels. This system is a self-activating suppression system that reliably suppresses fires in seconds. This system uses polymer heat sensing tube that will rupture when exposed to a flame. This specialized detection tubing combines leak resistance, flexibility, durability and precise temperature sensitivity, allowing it to react quickly when the heat from a fire is present.

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