Fire Safety Solution for Every Premise

OfficesFire Safety
FactoriesFire Safety
RestaurantsFire Safety
Server RoomsFire Safety

SchoolsHomesHospitalsSocietiesHotels and almost every premise..

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OUR Products

Tube Based Fire Suppression System to fight
with fire that occurs in the “microenvironment”
like electric panels.

Total Flooding Fire Suppression System is an engineered system utilizing a fixed nozzle agent distribution network.

The system is capable of automatic detection
and actuation and/or remote manual actuation.
it’s a pre-engineered

The Indoor Water mist system is specially designed for commercial enterprises.

Water Spray System is extensively used to protect the Transformers. Such Water Spray system are designed as per NFPA 15.

A fire alarm system has a number of devices working together to detect and warn people through visual and audio appliances when smoke, fire, carbon monoxide or other emergencies are present.

A fire extinguisher is an active fire protection device used to extinguish or control small fires, often in emergency situations.

A fire sprinkler system is an active fire protection method, consisting of a water supply system, providing adequate pressure and flow rate to a water distribution piping system, onto which fire sprinklers are connected.

The Hydrant System comprises of AC motor driven pump sets with all required accessories including valves, instrumentation and controls etc.

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Why Choose BSS?

BSS Technologies has an excellent tech support team comprising of experienced professionals who are committed to delivering the most appropriate solutions to fix all your issues. We deliver quick and reliable services to all our customers. Our dedicated technicians work 24×7 to meet the client requirements and have been more successful than our competitors in delivering the best results.

BSS Technologies is accountable to its customers and employees and is committed to deliver excellent results and aim for the highest levels of quality and total customer satisfaction. BSS Technologies thinks about its customer’s safety, time, assets, and changing the world by changing the way knowledge can be shared.

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